To reserve a kitten: Call or email us that you wish to reserve a kitten and tell us something about yourself. Next: print and fill out the reservation form below and mail it to Island Blues, Kirkdale House, Carsluith ~ Wigtownshire DG8 7EA UK along with a personal check in the amount of £100, made out to Ellen Proskauer.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Reserving a Kitten

Kitten Reservation Form

Please sign and return this portion of the contract of sale with your deposit.

Island Blues
Joseph and Ellen Proskauer
Kirkdale House

Carsluith, Newton Stewart

Wigtownshire, DG8 7EA


This Kitten/Cat: (Please describe the kitten of your choice)

Date of Birth: _____/_____/______ (TBD or estimate)

Coat: ___Siamese(short) ___Balinese (long)

Gender: (M) (F) Color: _____________ - Preference

Dam: Island Blues: Ulla~Oolah (Balinese), Philia~Lili (Siamese)

Is Being Sold To:

Buyer's Name: ______________________________________

Address of Buyer: ____________________________________

City, County, Post Code: _______________________________


Email Address: ___________________________________________

This kitten/cat is being sold for the sum of £________ .

The buyer agrees to pay the seller a non-refundable deposit of £100 to reserve the kitten of their choosing. The seller will make every effort to hold a kitten that meets the buyer’s described preferences in regards to sex, color and coat. The final choice of the kitten/cat will take place when the buyer comes to pick-out a kitten at the age of 4 and 6 weeks old. If the buyer cannot choose their kitten in-person, the seller can help the buyer make their choice through photos, email and phone conversations.

The balance of the sale price of the kitten (£_______) will be paid to the seller when the kitten is delivered to the buyer. Kittens are usually ready to go to their new home when they are between 8 and 10 weeks old. The seller reserves the right to decide when the kitten is mature enough to leave the nest, depending on weaning, vaccines and general health of the kitten. We do not commercially ship kittens. However, the seller is willing to make arrangements for the delivery of kittens to their new homes, either by driving them, in exchange for the price of gas - or flying with the kitten or sending the kitten with someone who is traveling to your area, in exchange for the price of the kitten’s airfare.

Seller’s signature: __________________ Buyer’s signature: _____________________

Deposit received: _____/_____/______


About Me

My photo
We are a small family cattery, only having 3 - 4 litters each year. We have very traditional old style Siamese and Balinese. Our 2 breeding moms came from the US. We are the only breeders of traditional Balinese in the UK, if not Europe - that we know of. Needless to say our kittens are very rare and hard to come by. If there are any other traditional Balinese over here we'd be very happy to make your acquaintance.